Parkk Case Study
Client Name





United States



Analysing your requirements

Finding parking when you're in a hurry is really a tough job all over the biggest states in united states.

Have you ever wished that you could find the perfect parking spots, every time? Of course, you have. If you've ever driven a car inside the hustle and bustle of the city, then you've probably wished the same.

This is not only true for city people, even if you're someone on a vacation and want to find parking spots in tourist places, but it's also pretty hard. Most of us have faced this issue and what we've been doing so far is parking at well-known places, if you're a regular parker, or drive around the block looking for a good parking spot.

Parkk intends to solve this through a very simple app that anyone can use. Every parking spot near you is visible right there on your phone, and all you need to do is book the right spot for you. Parkk also lets you plan your travel better. Let's say that you're traveling to another location and need to park your ride for a few days. You can book a parking spot for multiple days using the app.

Analysing your requirements

Project Goals & Road Map

A visual outline of the project plan

Business Goal

Our Process

Genesis & Plan



The initial step was to organize a product discovery workshop. In the workshop, our business and tech teams sat with the client and discovered the goals of the project.



Defining the objectives and goals is an important step when it comes to developing any product. This is especially true when it comes to products that provide a service.



Once we defined the product’s objectives, then we collaborated through several brainstorming sessions where we built on top of the client’s idea and defined the modules.



This process involves creating prototypes where our UX designers did their work. Parkk is a user-centric app that needed a well-planned UI/UX design built to be convenient

User Flow

Below is a visual representation of how Parkk works

Below is a visual representation of how Parkk works

Information Architecture

A well-defined outline of the modules and how they work.

Below is a visual representation of how Parkk works

Challenges & Motives

First, we analyse requirements by discussing business needs

An app such as Parkk intends to solve certain existing problems or tries to make something easier. Creating great user experiences was Parkk goal. From the discovery workshop and the subsequent sessions with the client, our R&D team listed down these challenges/issues that Parkk was trying to solve and the objectives it was trying to accomplish.

  • Finding convenient parking spaces has always been a hassle, especially in crowded cities and tourist destinations.
  • Serving a country such as the US with a very large coverage area was a difficult task.
  • There are certain untouched destinations that not many people know. Introducing these amazing destinations for people adds to the user experience.
  • Many people have empty spaces perfect for parking vehicles. Large stores with unfilled parking too have this potential. If we could find a way for people to monetize their parking spaces, it would be mutually beneficial.
  • If you an EV, it’s always a pain worrying about whether you can find a parking station.
  • If you own an RV that you want to take out for a trip, finding RV stations with good amenities can be a rough job.

The Solution

Parkk is the one-stop solution to all your parking problems. Eac module is built for convenience and an amazing user experience.

So, what does park provide it’s users?

Access to convenient parking spots no matter where you are. Each parking spot listing will have in-depth informations such as the amenities available, how secure they are, and the size of vehicle you can park.

  • Easy access to EV Charging stations, find them faster and easily.
  • Easy host and traveler registration process.
  • RV Parking stations specially marked.
  • Discover new and exciting parking spots that other travelers have discovered.

App Features

Parking is just matter of some clicks now.

  • Geofensing - Find parking spots in the area
  • Calendar access - Multi-Day Bookings.
  • New Space Alerts - Get Alerts when someone adds a spot.
  • Platform Alerts - Get notified instantly on the platform.
  • Intelligent Alerts - Get notified on spots as you drive.
  • Claim spot - Claim your own spot and start earning

Unique Features

What Makes Parkk Different and Unique

Intelligent Alerts

Intelligent Alerts

One of the “simply clever” bits inside Parkk is Intelligent Alerts. If a traveler is about to approach an available parking spot, they get notified instantly.

Multi-Day Bookings

Multi-Day Bookings

Parking can be hard when you’re traveling. Parking for more than a few hours can be harder. With Parkk, you can book a parking spot for several days.

Claim Spot

Claim Spot

If you're space is on the map, it will be automatically listed on Parkk. All someone has to do to be a Host, is claim the parking space. They can start earning.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Travelers don’t have to know the exact parking spot to find it. They can just search for related words and the parking spot will come up inside the app.

Explore Spots

Explore Spots

Finding untapped locations is something exciting for any traveler. One Parkk, travelers can mark new, untouched locations, and it’ll show up for other travelers.

Nearby Spot Alerts

Nearby Spot Alerts

Once you enter a location, you can find all the great parking spots there on Parkk, and ou will get notified of the same even if you don’t open the app.


A great app needs the right tools and technology to perform

Back End







Front End








Android Studio

Android Studio





Socket IO

Socket IO






Core Data

Core Data

Socket IO

Socket IO


Read what our valued clients have
to say about us


Scheduling and better route to the parking lot.

Parkk is operation all over the US, serving travelers and RVers everyday. The company is in talks with multiple investors and expecting to expand their team in 2022. Through Parkk, we as a development company also connected with multiple organizations and are currently working with them on enterprise applications.


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