Artificial Intelligence

If we blindly follow AI, where does that leave us? — 5 ways to use AI | Sparkout Tech

5 Important ways Artificial intelligence will transform your business

Businesses can now innovate at a breakneck pace while also getting rid of unnecessary roles due to recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). While human qualities like creativity, judgment, and emotional intelligence cannot be entirely replaced by artificial intelligence (AI), it can fill in the gaps left by human technology in terms of reaching or even exceeding customer expectations. It makes sense that mainstream adoption of general AI will take a long time. However, AI for business operations is a sector that is always evolving and improving, and it now has useful applications. Maintaining a close eye on industry trends and developments is essential to your company's existence if you don't want to fall behind. Here is guidance on how to successfully implement AI in your company.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The machine's ability to imitate intelligent human behaviour is referred to as "artificial intelligence" (AI). A machine can act, think, and behave as though it were alive and capable of learning. The Turing machine, the earliest example of AI, was developed by Alan Turing in 1936 to break the Enigma machine. It provided a crucial tactical advantage for the Allied Powers during World War II. The AI space has started to improve again after the terrible AI winter. Although there isn't a single, widely-accepted definition of AI, it may ultimately boil down to a subset of computer science that strives to imitate human intelligence as accurately as possible.

How AI Can Change Your Business?

Let's analyze 5 ways that AI can change your company. They are as follows:

Transform Customer Services

Since businesses are meaningless without consumers, providing excellent customer service is essential to any company. Additionally, businesses are under financial strain as customers expect better services more frequently. Providing excellent customer service is challenging, but AI can assist in efficiently handling consumer demands.

Problems that customer service teams must overcome

Customer support teams confront a variety of difficulties, such as:

  • Inadequate knowledge base
  • Difficulties with call/ticket routing
  • Communication difficulties
  • Incredibly demanding clients

How can AI help in enhancing customer service?

  • Many of the problems described above can be solved with AI. Customer service can be enhanced through the following methods:
  • Businesses that use AI can gain a personal understanding of their consumers' attitudes toward their goods and services, in addition to gaining a broader perspective . They are able to understand their customer base better.
  • Businesses must employ skilled and educated customer service employees where their abilities may benefit customers since they are becoming more expensive.
  • AI chatbots can more easily respond to customer inquiries. Since AI bots are available around-the-clock, clients frequently receive prompt responses to their queries.

Prevent Frauds With The Help of AI

Building customer trust is essential for businesses to retain customers. Building trust can take years, but it can be broken in a matter of days by a single fraudulent transaction. Customers could quit banks, financial services organizations, e-commerce enterprises, and many other companies as a result of fraudulent transactions. It can be challenging to stop fraudulent transactions, but AI can significantly help.

There are many challenges to preventing fraudulent transactions due to a variety of issues, such as:

  • Businesses face an uphill battle because cybercriminals are continually improving their capabilities.
  • Newer threats quickly emerge when businesses are successful in preventing one type of fraudulent transaction.
  • Applications for the web and mobile devices frequently include serious application security flaws, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS)..
  • AI chatbots can more easily respond to customer inquiries. Since AI bots are available around-the-clock, clients frequently receive prompt responses to their queries.

Using AI to prevent fraud

There are several instances of AI being used to prevent fraud. Danske Bank's use of AI in a partnership with Teradata is one such instance. Using AI and data science has helped Danske Bank detect real fraud 50% more often.

Secure Your IT Infrastructure With The Help of AI

IT assets are essential for businesses, but they are also susceptible to security risks. AI can help companies secure their IT assets and infrastructure.

Security challenges confront IT infrastructure and assets in the company.

Businesses have a number of difficulties when securing their IT assets and infrastructure. For instance,

  • Cyberattacks are still becoming more frequent and sophisticated
  • In addition to utilising both on-premises and cloud infrastructure, many businesses also work with service providers. This puts their private information in serious danger.
  • Cybercriminals can employ a variety of unused, unidentified, and inactive devices to target an enterprise's IT resources
  • Applications from third parties and open-source software can put an organization's IT security at risk.
  • It is challenging to comply with strict legal standards because manual IT security practices are frequently used. Businesses that do not adhere to these criteria risk facing sanctions.

How might AI help companies protect their IT assets and infrastructure?

For example, artificial intelligence technology can improve the security of IT infrastructure and assets in a number of ways.

  • Web request patterns can be recognised by AI-powered event monitoring technologies, which can help with the detection of cyber attackers.
  • Using AI-powered information security and data analysis technologies, businesses may scan a sizable amount of big data over the Internet and discover where cyberattacks are coming from.
  • Solutions can then be suggested by these systems.You can speed up your response to cybersecurity problems with the help of AI.

Transform Your Supply Chain Management With AI

One of the most complicated corporate processes is supply chain management, which AI can help to simplify.

Challenges in supply chain management

The issues faced by supply chain management, a complicated function, include:

  • Customers are expecting better services more frequently, and their demands are becoming more sophisticated and variable.
  • Supply chain management expenses are increasing at a time when competition is escalating.
  • It has never been more difficult to find the right people and keep the best employees.
  • Regulations are always evolving and are frequently onerous.

How does AI help with supply chain management?

For instance, there are several ways AI can enhance supply chain management.

  • Contextual intelligence provided by AI can help a supply chain management team improve inventory management. This reduces operating expenses.
  • By analyzing the success of their supply chain management processes, companies utilizing AI in their supply chain can increase their efficiency.
  • A significant amount of data may be analysed using AI, which enhances demand forecasting.
  • With AI, supplier selection can be improved.AI can help in making better decisions connected to supply chain management

Improve Your Recruitment With The Power of AI

People make a company great, Hiring new employees is a crucial task for your company to perform. Businesses struggle to find the right talent, but AI can help them.

Recruiters face difficulties

Recruiters confront a variety of difficulties, such as:

  • In a very competitive job market, it might be challenging to bring in the right talent.
  • There is a major communication gap between hiring managers and recruiters.
  • Businesses lack the data analytics skills necessary to make informed hiring decisions.
  • It's challenging to strike a balance between speed and scalability when hiring high-quality human resources.
  • Time is lost as a result of inadequate hiring procedures.

How AI can help businesses improve their hiring procedures

AI can enhance the hiring procedures in a number of ways, including:

  • Resumes can be analyzed and shortlisted using AI-powered recruitment solutions.
  • AI makes it simpler to analyze social media and similar sources to create candidate profiles.
  • Using chatbots to communicate with candidates helps speed up the hiring process. Mya is an example of a conversational AI platform with a recruitment-focused approach.
  • AI-powered recruitment tools can gather data through voice and text communications, as well as examine the applicant's body language and vocal tonality.


As we've discussed on this blog, AI has revolutionized businesses and will do so for a very long time. AI use in commercial environments reduces time spent on repetitive processes, increases employee productivity, and improves the entire customer experience across IT operations and sales. Additionally, it helps in quality control and crisis detection at a level that is beyond human capacity.